About Us

Quorum Global Finance are U.K. based global facilitators of multi-sourced financing options for Individuals, Entrepreneurs, Small Medium Size Enterprise’s (SME’s) and Larger Corporation’s. With over 20 years industry experience, founder and Principal Russell Clements has est…


Infrastructure projects and assets are vital elements to the community. With direct entrée to principal financiers and investors specialising in funding infrastructure projects primarily in developing countries, we are able to arrange financing for medium and large projects such as airports …


If you are seeking supporting finance that precedes a longer-term form of funding, we can arrange short term property backed finance in the form of a bridging loan. Bridging Finance has a wide variety of uses, typically it can be used to help complete the purchase of a property before …


Project finance is the structured financing of a specific single purpose company or Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) whose principal assets and business are constituted by that project and whose liabilities in respect of the borrowing concerned are not directly or indirectly the subject of a guarantee …

We help individuals entrepreneurs and corporations of all sizes