If you are seeking supporting finance that precedes a longer-term form of funding, we can arrange short term property backed finance in the form of a bridging loan.
Bridging Finance has a wide variety of uses, typically it can be used to help complete the purchase of a property before the sale of an existing one or as short term finance pending the completion of a longer-term solution.
Bridging loans are usually offered for between 1-18 months, with the loan repayable in full at the end of the term. Unlike other forms of borrowing the monthly interest is often rolled into the loan, meaning there are no repayments to make during the term of the loan.
The application process is usually far simpler than for other types of borrowing because lenders focus on the value of the asset using a loan to value (LTV) ratio as part of the funding criteria. Applications are often completed quickly, typically within 10-14 days from the date of applying.
Bridging finance can be offered against almost any property or land secured either by a first or second charge on the asset and can be used for a variety of reasons such as:
* Buying property at an auction.
* Buying-to-let.
*Buying a second property before selling the first.
* Developing/refurbishing property before full capital is available.
*Developing an uninhabitable property (when a mortgage is unavailable)
* Short-term working capital for a business.